Roast Duck Poutine Pizza. There really are no words I could possibly say that these photos don’t already tell you. It’s glorious, and horrifying. Your stomach’s best friend, and perhaps your arteries’ worst enemy. But oh so worth it. Bannock 401 Bay st Toronto, M5H 2Y4 Tel: 416.861.6996
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The Planet Bakery
When it comes to moving, I am the ultimate procrastinator. The job always seems so daunting and I am always in disbelief at just how much junk I can actually fit in one little bedroom. Not to mention I have the arm strength of a 6 month baby and am completely useless when it comes […]
The Magic Rolling Pin
I can’t believe I almost ended my Peterborough experience without a stop to the Magic Rolling Pin! It’s a place you might easily miss as it’s tucked away a little bit in a residential area… this adorable quaint house turned restaurant is full of warmth and grandmothery (definitely not a word but the only appropriate […]
Sympathy for the Rebel
The exposed brick walls and the wooden crates and shelves gives the shop a rawness that I completely love. And then add in eclectic and edgy decor to really give the place a rock and roll, mod, and just downright edgy atmosphere. Don’t even get me started on their incredible shoe selection. Cow boy boots […]
My humans are getting married
One of my best friends will soon be tying the knot with her Mr. Right. As a bridesmaid, there’s always this tiny fear that your wonderful, level minded friend will somehow turn into a god awful bride-zilla. Thankfully, she’s been very calm and collected… though even if she weren’t, I definitely know better than to […]
The Sapphire Room
I finally popped by the Sapphire Room in downtown Peterborough and was quite impressed with their atmosphere and decor. Think 50’s glam with a bit of naughty and jazz mixed in. It was fairly quiet on a Thursday night but I’ve heard that Sundays are quite poppin’ with their trivia nights. I loved the soft […]
DIY Sharpie Mug
With the holidays just around the corner (EEEKKK less than a week until Christmas!!), I’ve spent many hours on pinterest looking up potential gift ideas. In my perfect martha stewart world, I would be giving everyone beautiful gift baskets filled with delicious cookies and hand-made crafts. Unfortunately, of my list of crafts, I only got […]
Chasing the Cheese
Knock Knock Who’s There? Cheese! Cheese Who? Cheese a jolly good fellow You can imagine how many knock knock jokes I’ve heard growing up (because my name sounds like knock)… but this one may actually be the worst. Owner, Julie Austin, aims to expose people to both great and humble cheeses that they might not […]
Naked Chocolate
Is there really anything better than chocolate? My co-worker and I were on the hunt for items to include in our gift basket for my supervisor when she suggested we fill up the mug with some chocolates from Naked Chocolate on George st in Peterborough. I’ve heard mumblings of this magical place but haven’t had a […]