Author Archive | soundslikeknock

Maternity photos

If there’s one thing in the world I can’t get enough of, it’s babies. There is absolutely nothing I love more than cuddling a newborn and just taking in their intoxicatingly delicious new baby smell. (Is that creepy? Other people feel this way too, right?) Well luckily for me, we just had two little ones […]

A road trip to Music city : Nashville, Tennessee

Nashville has never been a place that I ever thought about going to before. But I’m all for visiting new places so when my friend told me that she wanted to have her bachelorette there, I was pumped to cross another state off of my list of places I’ve been. We decided to drive down […]

Nashville: The pedal tavern

So a few of my high school friends hopped in a car and made our way down to Nashville for some bachelorette fun. If you find yourself in music city, you 100% ABSOLUTELY need to book a tour on the pedal tavern! It’s a 16 person bike that you can drink on. For $30/person, you […]

Friday Night at the ROM

Drinks. Dancing. Dinosaurs. That’s what you can expect at Friday Night Live at the ROM. A few of my friends decided to go last summer and we LOVED LOVED LOVED it! If you’re looking for a fun, unique place to go in Toronto on a Friday night, I’d highly recommend it. They are holding these […]

Oliver & Bonacini: Canoe

So a couple years back when I had just moved to Toronto, and barely able to keep my bank account out of the red, we’d always joke about going to eat at Canoe. Only because with my negative bank account, I pretty much survived off of instant noodles so spending a weeks’ worth of food […]

Science North wedding

This past weekend, I made the trek up to Sudbury, Ontario to celebrate yet another wedding. URG SUDBURY… why must you be sooo cold?! Anyways, I think this might have been one of my favourite venues for a wedding, to date. It was held at Science North, and my inner science dork LOVED it. I […]

Calgary, Alberta

You know that phase of your life where it feels like every single person you know is all googly eye’d and getting married? Well that’s exactly what my life feels like right now. I’ve been to about 14 weddings and counting, and yet every single one has managed to be different and has had so […]

J’adore Paris.

Paris, je t’aime… I’ve never been one to dream about Paris or have ever felt the need to go. But as soon as I stepped foot into this magical city, I was hooked. After having a very difficult time booking trains from Amsterdamn into Paris, we finally arrived.. with absolutely no idea where we were […]

Organ donation

After writing my post about the super hero party I threw a couple of weeks ago, I thought I’d share a story about a real life hero. My uncle (pictured above) did something amazing this year that is definitely worthy of sharing. His dad had been sick and learned that his kidneys were functioning at a […]
