The Planet Bakery

By soundslikeknock

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When it comes to moving, I am the ultimate procrastinator. The job always seems so daunting and I am always in disbelief at just how much junk I can actually fit in one little bedroom. Not to mention I have the arm strength of a 6 month baby and am completely useless when it comes to heavy lifting. The only good thing about moving day was that I got to have another meal in Peterborough.


My wonderful parents met me at 8am to get the party started. By 2pm, we had barely made a dent in the packing so we decided we needed a food break. Both of my parents are vegetarian so we went to this cute little vegetarian shop in downtown Peterborough called The Planet Bakery. IMG_0685 copy

Every time I visit this shop, I can’t help but think of one of my best friends, Sam. The orange floors remind me of the bright orange walls in his old apartment and just everything from the minimalistic design, to the mismatched recycled chairs, to their openness and friendliness of the atmosphere just screams out Sam Robertson. I could easily see him working his chef magic here.

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We were so hungry that we ate most of the food before I thought to take a photo to share with you guys. So the only thing I have pictured is their rosemary walnut burger. SOOO good! Moist and flavourful, it sits on a fresh Focaccia bun with basil mayo, melted cheddar, and a sweet and savoury cranberry-onion confit. YUM!
We also had their green apple & old cheddar sandwich, as well as their cranberry and brie sandwich. I personally preferred the crisp freshness of their green apple sandwich over the sweet tartness of the cranberry.


These flavourful dishes will make even the biggest meat lover opt for a vegetarian option every once in awhile.

The Planet Bakery

374 Water Street,

Peterborough, ON


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5 Thoughts to The Planet Bakery

  1. Catherine Reply March 8, 2013 at 1:25 pm

    I’m glad you got to check out the Planet before you left! Their brownies are pretty spectacular 😉

  2. Catherine Reply March 8, 2013 at 1:25 pm

    I’m glad you got to check out the Planet before you left! Their brownies are pretty spectacular 😉

  3. lisa Reply June 6, 2013 at 9:17 am


  4. lisa Reply June 6, 2013 at 9:17 am


  5. eliza Reply September 3, 2013 at 8:10 am

    Just went there and LOVED it!


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